1.1 Historical Overview of Natural Ventilation in High-Rise Office Buildings The 19th century marked the emergence of the office building typology as we know it today. Controlling the indoor environment in these early office buildings was achieved by…
Someone once said that curriculum development is not something done to teachers but through and with them. This has the implication that teachers should have appropriate skills and knowledge to be able to make a contribution to curriculum…
The psychologist Joel Davitz once wrote: ªI suspect that
most research in the social sciences has roots somewhere
in the personal life of the researcher, though these roots are
rarely reported in published papersº (Davitz, 1976). The
®rst part…
The practice of psychotherapy has a dimension that did not exist 30, 20, or even 15 years ago—accountability. Treatment programs, public agencies, clinics, and even group and solo practitioners must now justify the treatment of patients to outside…
Materials for Architects and Builders is written as an
introductory text to inform students at undergraduate
degree and national diploma level of the relevant
visual and physical properties of a wide range of
building materials. The third edition…
The aim of this paper is to gain insight into the necessity of Islamic linguistic skills in
terms of moral modifications and cultural relevancies for the improvement of ELT
materials. The paper highlights the required assessments for the current…
Evolusi Manajemen Strategi
Istilah strategi bisa dilacak pada era Yunani kuno dan menyiratkan
jenderal militer yang bertanggung jawab secara penuh dalam peperangan.
Penggunaan istilah strategi dalam dunia bisnis baru ada sejak awal abad…
Thank you for purchasing this book. It means that you
are interested in learning how to be a more effective
teacher of science. That’s an outstanding goal!
Science education in the United States today needs your
help. Our students are…
About ten years ago, a handful of faculty at the University of Delaware, searching for a better way to teach, adapted problem-based learning (PBL) to
their introductory science courses. Subsequently, committed to helping their colleagues discover…