The European Conference on Language Learning 2015, Brighton, United Kingdom
Official Conference Proceedings

Dublin Core


The European Conference on Language Learning 2015, Brighton, United Kingdom
Official Conference Proceedings


The European Conference on Language Learning 2015, Brighton, United Kingdom
Official Conference Proceedings


The aim of this paper is to gain insight into the necessity of Islamic linguistic skills in
terms of moral modifications and cultural relevancies for the improvement of ELT
materials. The paper highlights the required assessments for the current need of
English language for Muslims on all dimensions of ELT problems. This is enhanced
through examining the reality of existence of Islamic approach to English usage in
reference to its nature, historical background and contemporary impacts of English
literary developments among Muslims. The result indicates that an Islamic approach
to the language use and application should co-relate with universal features that
include lexis, grammar, topic, style, audiences, code mixing: all of which express
social and cultural identities. The ultimate goal is the attainment of communicative
competence in English among Muslim learners through the medium of Islamic culture
and systematic applications of the modern methods of English language learning and
Keywords: Disparity, milieu, linguistic, identities, complexity


Aysha Mohd Sharif
Yahya Toyin Muritala




Aysha Mohd Sharif Yahya Toyin Muritala, “The European Conference on Language Learning 2015, Brighton, United Kingdom Official Conference Proceedings ,” Portal Ebook UNTAG SURABAYA, accessed March 14, 2025,