This essay examines the ways in which Henry used poetics and performances to
establish the iconography of his court and the relevance, within this context, of
Henry’s specific choice of Katherine as queen to preside over his chivalric…
In our technologically sophisticated and media driven world, individuals are bombarded by default and by choice with more information in one day than our ancestors were exposed to in a lifetime. h ere is more information on the head of a pin…
The Brookings Institution is a private nonprofit organization devoted to research, edu-
cation, and publication on important issues of domestic and foreign policy. Its principal
is to
bear on current
Officially released in January 2013, the latest version of Excel 2013 took the
market by its amazingly easy-to-user interface and incredibly advanced features.
It is no longer a simple spreadsheet calculator. Microsoft …
Officially released in January 2013, the latest version of Excel 2013 took the
market by its amazingly easy-to-user interface and incredibly advanced features.
It is no longer a simple spreadsheet calculator. Microsoft …
Having spent many weeks in the hospital left an indelible imprint on the way I experience pain, suff ering, and loss within the recognized healthcare environment. Surely this fear and anxiety that one feels in this controlled and somewhat clinical…
Evolusi Manajemen Strategi
Istilah strategi bisa dilacak pada era Yunani kuno dan menyiratkan
jenderal militer yang bertanggung jawab secara penuh dalam peperangan.
Penggunaan istilah strategi dalam dunia bisnis baru ada sejak awal abad…