As we know, one important component of the methodology of deconstruction involves
analyzing the logic of binary oppositions, particularly those binaries wielding great cultural
and ideological influence, such as presence/absence, speech/writing,…
Occupy Central was a 79-day experiment in urban identity. Occupy—the Umbrella
Revolution of 2014—rearranged space on the streets of Hong Kong. This rearranging
suggests a geography of presence. Such a geography will explain how spaces of…
The Encyclopedia of Smart Materials (ESM) contains the writings, thoughts, and work of many of the world’s fore- most people (scientists, educators, chemists, engineers, laboratory and innovative practitioners) who work in the field of smart…
Coal mining adversely affects the eco-system as a whole. On the unstable earth; the unresting
mankind constantly uses a variety of resources for their daily lives. Coal is recognized to
have been the main source of energy in India for many decades…
The book is written as a series of questions that a coach or consultant might ask of web designers and developers on behalf of a website owner. The questions take the form of “Have you thought about?” or “Will you be doing such and such?”;…
Welcome to the second edition of the Remy & Bruce show. Since the first edition of this book came out in July 2010, much has changed: support for HTML5 is much more widespread; Internet Explorer 9 finally came out; Google Chrome announced it would…
Americans’ attitudes toward immigrants can be described as ambivalent. While some
attitudes toward immigrants have been antagonistic, Americans have also espoused beliefs
that the United States is a nation of immigrants and that cultural…
The European Union was set up with the purpose of ending the wars between
neighbours, which culminated in the Second World War. Because of the political and
economic situations, the six founders decided to expand the community. In the
This book is a labor of love—my love for content strategy, persuasion, and positive change. Because people use the web now more than ever to make decisions, everyone from big brands to small businesses to individuals has the opportunity to…