The IAFOR North American Conference on the Social Sciences 2014

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The IAFOR North American Conference on the Social Sciences 2014


The IAFOR North American Conference on the Social Sciences 2014


The European Union was set up with the purpose of ending the wars between
neighbours, which culminated in the Second World War. Because of the political and
economic situations, the six founders decided to expand the community. In the
beginning, there were only two important points to become a member: the former was
to have territories on European continent, the latter was to be a democratic
government. The increasing number of states that wanted to be a part of the European
Union caused the formation of some new accession criteria which is called the
Copenhagen Criteria.

A successful integration of non-member states is vital to strengthen freedom, security
and justice in Europe. In the post-cold war period, the enlargement of the European
Union was one of the most important and difficult challenges. In recent years, the
European Neighbourhood Policy has become a favourite topic for the European
Union. Indeed, this new policy framework begins to demonstrate the EU’s role as an
international actor in its geographical vicinity.

In this study, the process of enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy will be
examined by considering the European Integration Models. It will be discussed which
one of them is more advantageous for security, freedom, identy, justice and border


Mehlika Özlem Ultan,




Mehlika Özlem Ultan,, “The IAFOR North American Conference on the Social Sciences 2014,” Portal Ebook UNTAG SURABAYA, accessed March 15, 2025,