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Knots have been used throughout history,
and they remain a valuable resource today.
Learning to tie knots is a handy, enjoyable
skill, requiring only simple equipment to
get started.

The owner's brief was to design a dramatic, memorable
house. The house needed to suit his specific aesthetic
considerations and have the flexibility.


Perhaps our biggest failure with student teachers is in not preparing them adequately for the emotional pressures on them and for the way their own emotional responses will help determine their reactions and behaviour in the classroom. However much I…

A square cover-plate connecting the capital with the
architrave, which in Egyptian architecture is found on
polygonal columns and pillars with floral capitals. The
visible side was frequently inscribed with a horizontal
cartouche. In late temples…

After a quick warm-up for dynamic general equilibrium models in the first part
of the course we will discuss the two workhorses of modern macroeconomics, the
neoclassical growth model with infinitely lived consumers and the…

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With an explosion of wireless mobile devices and services, wireless system and
circuit designers are facing a continuously increased demand for high data rates
and mobility required by daily booming wireless applications. Currently, the…

We would like to express our appreciation for all who have provided helpful com-
ments and suggestions. The reviewers of the prior editions helped make it a success-
ful product. Many valuable comments from instructors and students have helped…

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33. 9781615206599.pdf
Traditional education for engineers has shifted towards new methods of teaching and learning through the proliferation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). The continuous advances in technology enable the realization of a more…

This volume originated with a series of working papers developed during the first round of the DFG-funded Transatlantic Graduate Research Program (TGK)
“Berlin – New York: History and Culture of the Metropolis in the 20th Century” from…
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