This text is intended for students beginning the study of mechanical engineering design.
The focus is on blending fundamental development of concepts with practical specification
of components. Students of this text
should find
that it inherently…
This book is for anyone who is interested in teaching. It started as an attempt to map out and summarize reliable knowledge about teaching and how it functions to aid learning. It was written, in the first place, mainly for students training to…
America has long and vigorously been taken up with the issue of cultural identity, the one and
the many. Its literary authorship, Puritans to Postmoderns, has been no less so engaged. Who
gets to say what writing best speaks for the culture? Has…
The concept of “world literature” can be viewed as insisting on returning to reading a text
without the mechanical use of literary theory. This means, as Zhang Longxi notes, referring to
Kermode, “tak[ing] whatever theoretical help you…
This paper represents an attempt to consider how artists in general—and Japanese post-war
novelists in particular—deal with traumatic experience and how this process is reflected in
their subsequent literary texts. More specifically, it will…
The Globalization of
Financial Volatility:
Challenges for Emerging
ne of the outstanding features of modern…
why postmodernism, yet again? Is it not either too late or too early,too academic or too obvious, to return to that moment when architecture was taken up by so many thinkers for its evidentiary status, as marking
a momentous interruption, or at…
. Cognitive automation and its systemergonomic introduction into work systems have been advanced in the meantime to
such a degree that already applications for operational work systems are slowly
becoming reality. This interdisciplinary book is…