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Thanks are due to Judith Myers, David M. Brown, Donald Booth, Joe Cobb,
and Jim Chesher for editorial help. Dave and Judy Thresher, who endowed the
R. C Hoiles Chair I hold at Chapman University, are responsible for some of
the financial support…

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Guilford Press - the mindful path to self-compassion, Freein.pdf
Why is it so hard to extend the same kindness to ourselves
that many of us gladly offer to others? Maybe it’s because
in our conventional way of thinking in the West we tend
to view compassion as a gift, and bestowing it on ourselves seems…

Harvard - D.N. Perkins - The Mind's Best Work (1981).pdf
he Dutchman Roggeveen discovered Easter Island, a wink of
land far from all the major island groups of the Pacific, on Easter
Day 1722. Along with the island, he discovered a mystery. Scattered across the terrain were enormous stone faces with…

25. adln--peterribbi-8357-1-themaki-s.pdf
Leadership has been, and continues to be, a source of endless curiosity to academic commentators, journalists, practitioners and the general public. This fascination with the comings and goings of individuals as diverse as celebrities, politicians,…

39. adln--sarahjayne-8354-1-thelear-n.pdf
Evolution and education, like nature and nurture, have often been put into oppo- sition. Here, our aim is to bring them together. The brain has evolved to educate and to be educated, often instinctively and effortlessly. The brain is the machine that…

The literary responses to Fukushima disaster appeared in the last few years
highlighted the similarities with Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombing
experiences as long as both tragedies were caused by an arguable usage of nuclear
power. What is…

This book was first planned as a revised edition of my What You
Should Know About Inflation, first published in 1960. But inflation,
not only in the United States but throughout the world, has since
then not only continued, but spread and…

The European Union was set up with the purpose of ending the wars between
neighbours, which culminated in the Second World War. Because of the political and
economic situations, the six founders decided to expand the community. In the

Our research fit into social representations’ framework (Moscovici, 1961), defined by
Jodelet (1997) as “modalities of practical thought orientated towards the
communication, comprehension and control of the social, material and…

Americans’ attitudes toward immigrants can be described as ambivalent. While some
attitudes toward immigrants have been antagonistic, Americans have also espoused beliefs
that the United States is a nation of immigrants and that cultural…
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