The IAFOR International Conference on the City 2016
Official Conference Proceedings

Dublin Core


The IAFOR International Conference on the City 2016
Official Conference Proceedings


The IAFOR International Conference on the City 2016
Official Conference Proceedings


are like living organisms like every single living creature that is born, grows up
and dies. Just as when a living being is in bad health and medical intervention
becomes inevitable, such intervention is inevitable in cities as well. One of the
interventions is "Urban Transformation" in order to prevent dilapidation and
deterioration in urban fabric or establishing safe urban spaces susceptible to disasters.
The term of urban transformation is not a one-dimensional concept sheltering the
process of improving the physical environment. On the contrary it is a multidimensional

holistic process embracing social, economic, environmental, and
governance aspects. Therefore non-holistic approaches will not make positive
contribution to the road leading to sustainable cities.
This paper focuses on a historical neighbourhood in Istanbul where urban
transformation work was carried out. The neighbourhood called "Sulukule" is a place
where mostly Romany people live besides non-Romany. The neighbourhood is
situated within the historic peninsula of Istanbul and its world heritage listed land
walls. The paper particularly deals with the social aspect of the process and analyses
the situation before and after the implementation of the urban transformation project.
The social success of the project is also evaluated. Literature review, observations and
fieldwork including in depth interviews with the locals and the administrators were
carried out as the method of the study. In the conclusion, recommendations are
presented based on the data obtained.

Keywords: Neighbourhood, sustainability, urban transformation, Sulukule, Istanbul


İmam Bakır Kanlı




İmam Bakır Kanlı, “The IAFOR International Conference on the City 2016 Official Conference Proceedings ,” Portal Ebook UNTAG SURABAYA, accessed March 14, 2025,