This textbook is based on an extended collection of handouts I distributed to the graduate
students in economics attending my summer mathematics class at the Center for Economic
Research and Graduate Education (CERGE) at Charles University in…
i DID NOT SET OUT TO BECOME A CHRONICLER of lost Minnesota properties. The opportunity
arrived unexpectedly in 1990, when the editor of Architecture Minnesota magazine called and asked if
I would be interested in taking over its well-established…
After using our book for courses in a variety of locations, we have been
gratified by the positive responses to the first edition. Moreover, the book
had been used by quite a few practitioners in the way as we had hoped for
when we wrote the first…
IN the early years of the sixteenth century the extraordinary power, wealth, and imagination of
the Pope, Juhus II della Rovere made Rome the artistic centre of Italy and of Europe and attracted there the most distinguished artists ofhis age.…
Elements of Architecture explores new ways of engaging architecture in archaeology. It conceives
of architecture both as the physical evidence of past societies and as existing beyond the physical
environment. The book engages with the meeting…
One of the aims of this book is to provide an extended description of the instructional context of Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction (CORI). Previous publications on this instructional framework have appeared in journals devoted to reporting…
In the ear lier chapter s, you cr eated basic models by extr uding or r evolving the sketches. All those
models wer e cr eated on a single sketching plane, either XY, YZ, or XZ plane. …