Praise for the Photoshop Bibles and
Deke McClelland
Dublin Core
Praise for the Photoshop Bibles and
Deke McClelland
Deke McClelland
Praise for the Photoshop Bibles and
Deke McClelland
Deke McClelland
IDG Books Worldwide, Inc.
McClelland offers tons of tips, tricks and procedures. There are more insights than any
one person will likely be able to digest, but even a few will prove invaluable for getting
more out of the program… . One advantage of such a large book is that complicated
subjects can be dealt with at length. McClelland takes full advantage of this in the
special effects section, detailing how the different filters work, what the effects of the
filters are, and how users can better control the results… Macworld Photoshop Bible
succeeds as a valuable tome for users of all levels. It will be helpful for beginners and
relevant to advanced users.
— Communication Arts
one person will likely be able to digest, but even a few will prove invaluable for getting
more out of the program… . One advantage of such a large book is that complicated
subjects can be dealt with at length. McClelland takes full advantage of this in the
special effects section, detailing how the different filters work, what the effects of the
filters are, and how users can better control the results… Macworld Photoshop Bible
succeeds as a valuable tome for users of all levels. It will be helpful for beginners and
relevant to advanced users.
— Communication Arts
McClelland offers tons of tips, tricks and procedures. There are more insights than any
one person will likely be able to digest, but even a few will prove invaluable for getting
more out of the program… . One advantage of such a large book is that complicated
subjects can be dealt with at length. McClelland takes full advantage of this in the
special effects section, detailing how the different filters work, what the effects of the
filters are, and how users can better control the results… Macworld Photoshop Bible
succeeds as a valuable tome for users of all levels. It will be helpful for beginners and
relevant to advanced users.
— Communication Arts, “Praise for the Photoshop Bibles and
Deke McClelland,” Portal Ebook UNTAG SURABAYA, accessed March 15, 2025,