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Intended to inspire and inform in equal measure, this book is primarily
written for students of design seeking to balance real-world process
with guidance about design methods and material and manufacturing
specifi cations for industrial…

McGraw-Hill - Game Theory at Work, How to Use Game Theory to.pdf
Game theory studies how smart, ruthless people should act and interact in strategic settings. This book will teach
you to solve games. In some games you will negotiate for a raise; in others you will strive to ensure that
an employee works as hard…

Game Theory - A Very Short Introduction.pdf

he life of Antoni Gaudí (1852-1926) is best told
and analysed through a focused study of his
works. The buildings, plans and designs testify to
Gaudí’s character, interests and remarkable creativity
in a way that research into his…

The past decade has seen an explosion in discourse on ‘the global’ as a condition,
an approach and sometimes a problem. Most visibly, the impact of economic and
manufacturing globalization appears daily through the food we consume,…

Elsevier - Global Ergonomics (1998).pdf

The increased flow of knowledge, resources, goods and services among nations that has
occurred as a result of globalisation has led to a major increase over the years in transport
activity. This has had an impact on the environment in a number of…

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This book contains some of the papers that were presented at the first meeting of
the newly formed ‘African Expert Study Group on International Criminal Law’held in
September 2011 in Brussels, Belgium.1
The group was established under the…

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Für die finanzielle Unterstützung des 9. Göttinger Workshops
zum Familienrecht und der vorliegenden Publikation danken wir
dem Bundesministerium der Justiz.

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Europäisches Zivilprozessrech
Einfluss auf Deutschland und Ungarn

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