n the economically developed world, the majority of all jobs, often more than 75 per cent,
involve some form of service work (Bryson et al., 2004b). Furthermore, some 9 in 10 of
all new jobs are also in services, particularly in Europe, North…
For over a million years man has been trying to predict his future.He has always failed-and his failures are buried the dust of history. Legendary fortune tellers, prophets, oracles, medicine men, astrologers, numerologists, mystics, charlatans, and…
“Finally the journey leads to the city of Tamara. One enters the city
through streets which are fi lled with insignia protruding from the walls.
The eye only sees images of things which mean other things… Your
gaze scans the streets as though…
The University of Ottawa Press acknowledges with gratitude the support extended to
its publishing list by Heritage Canada through the Canada Book Fund, by the Canada
Council for the Arts, by the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences…
A design wall is simply a vertical space
where you can compose quilts. Why vertical?
Because you are making an art quilt that
will be hung, and therefore seen, vertically
when it is finished. Thus, it is important that
when you make decisions…
This book was conceived of in a simpler era-B.S.E. (Before September Eleventh). Then, in 1993 B.S.E., the worst problems our nation faced were a spate of
violent crimes. I did not know then, as I do now, that the violent crime rate in
the United…
In the foreign language classroom understanding how cultural learning experiences of
both the instructor and students combine and influence present classroom
expectations is important. Without understanding this, learning expectations of…
Beautiful Usersis dedicated to Bill
Moggridge (1943–2012), a pioneer of
human-centered design. As director of
Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design
Museum, 2010–12, Moggridge inspired
us to reinvent our own design processes.
We will…
Our goal in writing this book was to combine a strong emphasis on problem solving and
software design with the study of data structures. To this end, we discuss applications of each
data structure to motivate its study. After providing the…
This study estimates the impact of health on labour productivity in Nigeria from 1970
to 2012, applying the standard neo-classical growth framework. Using ordinary Least
Square (OLS) technique, Cointegration and Granger Causality test procedures,…