This book was written as an introduction to instruction in higher educa- tion. The work, written as companion to The Psychology of Teaching an Learning: A Three-Step Approach (Martinez-Pons, 2001), concentrates on the roles instructors and students…
I remember it as if it was yesterday. Thirty-six 16-year-olds and one of me in an American literature class. I had just finished what seemed like a brilliant
and extended several-day lecture interspersed with discussion on early American Literature…
As we have seen in recent years, building codes cannot protect people in every sit uation. Since September 11, 2001, there has been much talk about creating stricter codes, standards, and federal regulations for the purpose of making buildings safer.…
This text is designed to introduce you to classroom management by providing a theoretical foundation and offering guidance in the development of a
program that will work for you. Management focuses on student behaviors
and the consequences of…
The Civil Corporation synthesizes and presents the thoughts and
conclusions emerging from two decades’ work and eff orts of myself
and others in encouraging corporations to deliver more social and
environmental ‘goods’, and fewer ‘bads’.…
The sixth edition of the highly successful The City Reader juxtaposes the very best classic and contemporary writings on the city to provide the comprehensive mapping of the terrain of Urban Studies and Planning old and new. The sixth edition is…
I WROTE the first draft of Notre-Dame twenty-six years ago, a circumstance that would mark me as middle-aged
today, were it not for three young children who make
me feeJ otherwise. The book's origin were decidedly
modest, as a Master's thesis in…