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Globalisation is the remarkable result of innocuous choices. Companies
in one nation choose to employ workers in another, and consumers in a
third country choose to buy the stuff they make. To put it this way is not
to diminish the technological…

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nternational environmental law is a branch of public international law.
While agreements devoted to aspects of environmental protection have
developed their own particularities, which are discussed throughout Chapter
IV, the structures and norms…

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Many problems in economics are naturally formulated as dynamic models, in
which control or policy variables are used to move a system over time from a less
desirable to a more desirable position. One example is short-run macroeconomic

23. adln--peterbanis-8466-1-qualitat-y.pdf
This book is an introductory text to the area of qualitative research, intended for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Alluding to the Thomas gyration, this book presents the Theory of gyrogroups and gyrovector spaces, taking the reader to the immensity of hyperbolic geometry that lies beyond the Einstein special theory of relativity.

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When castles
built hundreds of years
they had two
purposes. First,
they provided shelter and living
for those within.
Second, and more importantly, they were
keep people
out, to refuse entry to a group…

In this marvelous collection, drawn from numerous Celtic and Old Norse
sources in the British lsles and Scandinavia, a rich selection of traditional
Christian and secular designs is brought together. Some of the meticulously
rendered designs were…

as we left the twentieth century and welcomed the beginning
of the twenty - fi rst, the world economy appeared to be in
greater shape than ever before. Things were probably going
well for you, too. You had an enjoyable job, working for a fi rst…

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This text provides an introduction to accounting and finance. It is aimed primarily at
students who are not majoring in accounting or finance but who are, nevertheless,
studying introductory level accounting and finance as part of their course in…

24. adln--peterjavis-8440-1-thetheo-g.pdf
Like every other social institution, education has undergone many changes over the past few years: globalization, the emergence of the knowledge economy and lifelong learning have been among them. Significantly, people often now talk about lifelong…
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