Browse Items (835 total)

Facing with limited resources and human support, children in remote areas encounter
many difficulties in learning and reading with the use of modern technological
devices. To help these children experience mobile reading activities with…

Depletion of fossil fuels and oncoming impacts of global warming reveal the vitality
of utilizing renewable power generation systems for future generations of humanity.
Investing in those systems also has several incentives in Europe for…

Burning of biomass is an important source of acid aerosols and black carbon
emissions into the atmosphere. In the tropics, the formation of secondary organic and
inorganic aerosols depends on meteorological parameters. High humidity and…

Many communities in Egypt, specifically the rural areas, are unquestionably
distressed places as a result of the major economic and political shifts that have
occurred over the past few years. Strategies of community development are…

This pilot study investigates the feasibility, acceptability and the effectiveness of
social art activities for reducing symptoms of depression of Indonesian elderly people
who live in a nursing home. Sixteen depressed elderly people with ages…

This study estimates the impact of health on labour productivity in Nigeria from 1970
to 2012, applying the standard neo-classical growth framework. Using ordinary Least
Square (OLS) technique, Cointegration and Granger Causality test procedures,…

This paper explores the nature of collective action in the governance of transnational
common resources and proposes a private regimes approach for its study. Using the
example of the radio spectrum as a global resource – representing the…

Mining activities carried out by Transnational Corporations (TNCs) may cause
positive and negative impacts in developing countries, such as in Indonesia. The
positive impacts of TNCs may enhance economic growth in Indonesia , on the other

The study analyses whether, in the context of Chile’s concentrated media ownership,
the press shows trends towards a uniform framing of viewpoints in news about the
actions of the government, political parties or civil society. A content…

In a world facing rapid technological advancements and a continuous occurrence of events, citizen journalism has become widely used in the news business. Many news agencies are actually implementing citizen journalists and depend upon their reports…
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