Browse Items (835 total)

Writing this book has been both exciting and challenging. I plunged into
this research with immense zeal, yet I faced many challenges, from writing
in a second language to tackling the diffi culties in translating each piece
of historical and…

IBM is a leader in information technology, providing the hardware and software to
enable businesses to gain a competitive advantage. With research and years of
experience, IBM has always provided robust frameworks and architectures for

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Psychology at the beginning of the twenty-first century has become a highly diverse field of scientific study and applied technology. Psychologists commonly regard their discipline as the science of behavior, and the American Psychological…

Consumer Data Protection
in Brazil, China and

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Das Pfl egekindverhältnis -
zeitlich befristete oder dauerhafte
Lebensperspektive für Kinder?

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As everyone makes decisions about what to eat on a daily basis, the topic of
this book is important. This is why I have chosen to facilitate wide distribution
by publishing this work as an Open Access book under a Creative Commons

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The Oxford American Dictionary (1980) contains the following definition:
Brand (noun): a trade mark, goods of a particular make: a
mark of identification made with a hot iron, the iron used for
this: a piece of burning or charred wood, (verb):…

Facts, Fears and the Future of Islamic Rules
on Family Relations in the West

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Graphic Design Solutions remains the most comprehensive how-to
reference on graphic design and advertising for print and interactive
media, intended to serve as a foundation for a graphic design and
advertising design education. Theory and…

In a very broad sense, the criminalistics and pathology of drug abuse are determined by the
particular drugs abused, the ways those drugs are used and administered, their toxic effects, and
the behavioral modifications they produce. This volume…

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