Animal (De)liberation:
Should the Consumption
of Animal Products Be

Dublin Core


Animal (De)liberation:
Should the Consumption
of Animal Products Be


Animal (De)liberation:
Should the Consumption
of Animal Products Be


As everyone makes decisions about what to eat on a daily basis, the topic of
this book is important. This is why I have chosen to facilitate wide distribution
by publishing this work as an Open Access book under a Creative Commons
Attribution Licence. I am very grateful to Ubiquity Press, and particularly to
Frank Hellwig and Anastasia Sakellariadi, for their support in this project, and
to the institutions that provided the grants that helped in the development and
the publication of this book. A grant was received from the Wellcome Trust
[104137/Z/14/Z] to fund a conference, held in September 2014, which featured
the work of many scholars from a wide range of countries who work in areas
related to the topic of this book. The Trust also funded the publication costs of
this book. Other grants were received from the Economics and Social Research
Council (ESRC), which funded the ‘Deliberating the Environment’ research
project [RES 151250014], and from Beacon North East, which funded another
conference on the book’s theme in 2011. My gratitude also goes to those who
participated in these conferences, as well as to my collaborators on the ESRC
project, Derek Bell, Mary Brennan, Tim Gray, and Nicola Thompson. I also
thank those whose views were analysed in this book, including a group of people from Newcastle-upon-Tyne, a city in the north-east of England; staff and
students at Newcastle University; and everyone who contributed to the film
‘Slaughterhouse—The Task of Blood’, a film produced and directed by Brian
Hill from Century Films, which was broadcast on the British Broadcasting
Corporation’s BBC Two on 4 July 2005.


Jan Deckers





Jan Deckers, “Animal (De)liberation: Should the Consumption of Animal Products Be Banned?,” Portal Ebook UNTAG SURABAYA, accessed March 14, 2025,