Dublin Core
Law is a system of rules that are enforced through social institutions to govern behavior.[2] Laws can be made by a collective legislature or by a single legislator, resulting in statutes, by the executive through decrees and regulations, or by judges through binding precedent, normally in common law jurisdictions. Private individuals can create legally binding contracts, including arbitration agreements that may elect to accept alternative arbitration to the normal court process. The formation of laws themselves may be influenced by a constitution, written or tacit, and the rights encoded therein. The law shapes politics, economics, history and society in various ways and serves as a mediator of relations between people.
Items in the Law Collection
Sexual Assault in Canada
The University of Ottawa Press acknowledges with gratitude the support extended to
its publishing list by Heritage Canada through the Canada Book Fund, by the Canada
Council for the Arts, by the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences…
its publishing list by Heritage Canada through the Canada Book Fund, by the Canada
Council for the Arts, by the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences…
Digital Identity
I acknowledge, with gratitude, the support provided by the university of adelaide. I
particularly acknowledge the support and guidance provided by emeritus Fellow Ian leaderelliott and Professor ngaire naffine of the law School, the university of…
particularly acknowledge the support and guidance provided by emeritus Fellow Ian leaderelliott and Professor ngaire naffine of the law School, the university of…
Freedom of Religion under Bills of Rights
It goes without saying that a volume such as this would not have been possible
without the contributions and assistance of many people. The book had its genesis
in the ‘Cultural and Religious Freedom under a bill of rights’ Conference held…
without the contributions and assistance of many people. The book had its genesis
in the ‘Cultural and Religious Freedom under a bill of rights’ Conference held…
Law as Change
Paul Babieis Associate Professor and Reader, Associate Dean of Law (Research),
Adelaide Law School, and Associate Dean (Research), Faculty of the Professions, at
the University of Adelaide. He holds a BA in sociology and political science from…
Adelaide Law School, and Associate Dean (Research), Faculty of the Professions, at
the University of Adelaide. He holds a BA in sociology and political science from…
Law, Pr ivacy and Sur veillance in Canada in the Post-Snowden Era
dward Snowden burst into the public consciousness in June 2013
with a series of astonishing revelations about US surveillance
activities. The Snowden leaks, which have continued for more than
eighteen months, have confirmed that fears of…
dward Snowden burst into the public consciousness in June 2013
with a series of astonishing revelations about US surveillance
activities. The Snowden leaks, which have continued for more than
eighteen months, have confirmed that fears of…
one Billion rising
The Leiden University Press series on Law, Governance, and
Development brings together an interdisciplinary body of work about
the formation and functioning of legal systems in developing
countries, and about interventions to strengthen them. The…
Development brings together an interdisciplinary body of work about
the formation and functioning of legal systems in developing
countries, and about interventions to strengthen them. The…
sharIa Incorporated
a comparative overview of the
legal systems of twelve muslim
countries in past and present
legal systems of twelve muslim
countries in past and present
court reform
Over a short period of time, the strengthening of law and governance
has become a major focus for international development organisations,
as well as for governments and organisations at the national level.
These are now devoting a substantial…
has become a major focus for international development organisations,
as well as for governments and organisations at the national level.
These are now devoting a substantial…
Fair land governance
how to legalise land rights
for rural development
for rural development
legalising land rights
local practices, state responses and tenure
security in africa, asia and latin america
security in africa, asia and latin america