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The return to scale constitutes a significant investment index in the determination of
the quantum of resources that are deployed in investment decision on workers’
continuing professional development. Such investment decision is always…

From a sociointeractional perspective of discourse, this research aims at investigating
the written narrative of a student of English and Portuguese Teaching Practicum from
a Letters undergraduate Course at UFRJ (Federal University of Rio de…

The role of culture in a field as vast as applied linguistics is so pronounced and vital
that even a highly selective overview might not be sufficient to be comprehensive.
What follows might be a synoptic account of the role of culture in the realm…

This research examines the mass communication discourse on Japanese hate speech
incidents and briefly skeches the related arguments. The analysis seeks to offer insights
into the recent backlash against minorities. The incidents appears to be the…

The world is gradually shrinking that at the press of a button events happening in farflung

part of the earth could be followed live via cable network. Globalization or
capitalist penetration of every economy is the new phenomenon.…

22. 9781285169330.pdf
We are extremely grateful to the New Perspectives Office 2013 advisory board members and the
New Perspectives on Microsoft Excel 2013 textbook reviewers listed below, and would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge them for their…

Literature is a powerful medium for examining justice, judgment, and society’s
treatment of humankind. “Does justice have a dark side?” Many pieces of literature
show the dark side of man’s justice, such as Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter,…

This essay examines the ways in which Henry used poetics and performances to
establish the iconography of his court and the relevance, within this context, of
Henry’s specific choice of Katherine as queen to preside over his chivalric…

21. 9781118871652.pdf

20. 9781118867211.pdf
The world of computer- generated (CG) imagery is fun and ever changing. Whether you are new to CG in general or are a CG veteran new to 3ds Max designing, you’ll find this book the perfect primer. It introduces you to the Autodesk 3ds Max software…
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