The traditional call center—rows of agents in headsets answering calls—is becoming
obsolete. In a consumer-driven, Internet-enabled world, your customers aren‘t just
calling you. They want to reach you via email, IM, text, and more. And…
Routledge Research in Landscape and Environmental Design is series of
academic monographs for scholars working in these disciplines and the
overlaps between them. Building on Routledge’s history of academic rigour
and cutting-edge research, the…
This book examines how predicaments generate architecture. Buildings fall prey to predicaments when architects, in attempting to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles and to conceal all that must be done in order to do so, resort to the use of…
The Leiden University Press series on Law, Governance, and
Development brings together an interdisciplinary body of work about
the formation and functioning of legal systems in developing
countries, and about interventions to strengthen them. The…
Contemplating a book about contrarian investing is like thinking about climbing Mt. Everest. You're excited by the challenge, but overwhelmed by the difficulty. Fortunately, many great investors and thinkers have climbed that mountain before and in…
Java i s an obj ect ori ent ed pr ogrammi ng l anguage, a runti me syst em,
a set of devel opment t ool s, and an Appl i cat i on Progr ammi ng I nt er f ace
( API ) devel oped by Sun Mi crosyst ems. Java has br ought dynami c,
i nteract i…
The members of every generation believe the business environment
in which they work is tougher than ever before.
Today we are no exception. Those who follow us will likely be
no exception. Well, guess what? Everybody’s right!
Over a short period of time, the strengthening of law and governance
has become a major focus for international development organisations,
as well as for governments and organisations at the national level.
These are now devoting a substantial…
Raavi Design, founded by Raavi O’Connor, is a group of like-minded professionals and
freelancers who are specialized in advertising, graphic design, web design and
development, digital marketing, multimedia, exhibition, …