Browse Items (835 total)

This pilot study investigates the feasibility, acceptability and the effectiveness of
social art activities for reducing symptoms of depression of Indonesian elderly people
who live in a nursing home. Sixteen depressed elderly people with ages…

Many communities in Egypt, specifically the rural areas, are unquestionably
distressed places as a result of the major economic and political shifts that have
occurred over the past few years. Strategies of community development are…

According to WHO, about 16.7 million people in the world die every year from
cardiovascular diseases, including coronary heart disease (CHD). CHD is a leading
disease in incidence and mortality in the general population [1,2]. One of the…

In the foreign language classroom understanding how cultural learning experiences of
both the instructor and students combine and influence present classroom
expectations is important. Without understanding this, learning expectations of…

The aim of this paper is to gain insight into the necessity of Islamic linguistic skills in
terms of moral modifications and cultural relevancies for the improvement of ELT
materials. The paper highlights the required assessments for the current…

Studying a foreign language abroad is nowadays a global experiential learning
practice. This article will conceptualise and analyse language tourism taking into
account the underlying principles of language learning mobility. It will also…

Guns have gone silent in Northern Uganda after the LRA war, but clouds of injustice are still
thick in the air. Perpetrators of injustice have disappeared in thin air. Victims of atrocities
languish in their villages with psychological and physical…

Practicing a religion for its own sake can make a person self-reliant and thus increase
one’s happiness and resilience. Conversely, following a religion for ends other than
the religion itself can lead to strong beliefs in fate and destiny,…

In his homily on October 17, 2013, Pope Francis set a new tone for opposition to the
ideological position generally referred to as the “religious right” in US politics in
particular, referring to moralizing ideologies as indicating that someone…

The behavior of teachers in the achievement of educational goals has invisible
complement known as teacher beliefs. In science education, the teachers’ beliefs are
not left out in leading the students to have a strong belief of succeeding in…
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