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This paper’s title is inspired by Guttmann’s 2004 book From Ritual To Record. It
examines the remedial and ritual role of cinema in artist film Weimar Villa (Bernd Behr,
2010) and critically acclaimed Chinese film 24 City (Zia Zhang-ke, 2008). …

Although reading is popularly considered to be a solitary experience, in linguistics
and literature studies the social nature of reading has been widely recognized.
Accordingly, it is posited here that due to their inherently interactive and…

The paper examines why Western culture achieved a position of hegemony in
global development in the 1800s and why non-Western cultures, particularly
Arabic, Indian, and Chinese cultures, did not achieve the same despite earlier
supremacy in…

Coal mining adversely affects the eco-system as a whole. On the unstable earth; the unresting
mankind constantly uses a variety of resources for their daily lives. Coal is recognized to
have been the main source of energy in India for many decades…

With the aim to test the categorical formulation of a spatial concept on the functional,
desirable characteristics of land-use distributions inside periurban landscapes, in the
research we envisaged and developed an original quantitative method,…

The purpose of this research was to study the effect of teaching cooperative education
for students in Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Chiang Rai (RMUTL).
The research population was 62 students from Division of Electrical Engineering…

are like living organisms like every single living creature that is born, grows up
and dies. Just as when a living being is in bad health and medical intervention
becomes inevitable, such intervention is inevitable in cities as well. One of…

This paper will outline the key educational design features of a particular computer
game, Idiomatico, that teaches idioms. The paper aims to give insight into some of the
reasoning behind the features chosen for the game, and how this is intended…

Purpose. Language acquisition is associated with or influenced by a number offactors which can be called sociolinguistic, social/sociological or demographic.Among other things, children cannot avoid being influenced linguistically by theirpeers and…

The purpose of this field report is to demonstrate some effective strategies to teach
English communication to the intermediate- to advanced-level university students. The
report is based on my English communication class (at Rikkyo University in…
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