Browse Items (108 total)

In the foreign language classroom understanding how cultural learning experiences of
both the instructor and students combine and influence present classroom
expectations is important. Without understanding this, learning expectations of…

Purpose. Language acquisition is associated with or influenced by a number offactors which can be called sociolinguistic, social/sociological or demographic.Among other things, children cannot avoid being influenced linguistically by theirpeers and…

The use of social media in governments is growing rapidly all over the world. Social
media provides public agencies with diverse tools that facilitate their engagement
with the public. However, social media raises different privacy, security and…

Of all the outstanding poets in the history of China, Li Bai (701-762) is perhaps the
greatest and most famous. His name appears in World's Who's Who. His poems have
been translated into several languages.

Prominent cultural studies scholars, beginning as early as the Frankfurt School and continuing
through to today, have routinely identified the mystery novel as a worthy cultural product
because it serves to valorize scientism by illustrating the…

Prominent cultural studies scholars, beginning as early as the Frankfurt School and continuing
through to today, have routinely identified the mystery novel as a worthy cultural product
because it serves to valorize scientism by illustrating the…

Occupy Central was a 79-day experiment in urban identity. Occupy—the Umbrella
Revolution of 2014—rearranged space on the streets of Hong Kong. This rearranging
suggests a geography of presence. Such a geography will explain how spaces of…

are like living organisms like every single living creature that is born, grows up
and dies. Just as when a living being is in bad health and medical intervention
becomes inevitable, such intervention is inevitable in cities as well. One of…

Graphic design is the most effective art form to quickly communicate a message to
the viewer. People are influenced by skillful storytelling, which can provide both a
logical and an emotional investment (Wroblewski, 2007). A visual…

This paper discusses the relation between film theory, subject and the idea of community
building. I will give a detailed understanding of how both theoretical perspectives in film
studies as well as the artistic practice of film making try to…
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