The invitation to write this book generated the time-honoured mix of emotions, but despite some trepidation (relating most notably to time pressures and self-doubt), the challenge was irresistible. We knew the book would be timely in view of the…
When you are first starting out in the creative
industry, one of the things that you need to learn,
quickly, is how to approach a brief, work with a
client and deliver the work that is to the right
standard, but meeting all of the…
For many of us living in the information age, the digital revolution has had a signifi cant impact on how we live, work and play. In the world of design, its impact has transformed design practices and created new opportunities; it has…
Study of the brain holds promise and fascination for almost every edu- cator and parent. Recent strides in the field of neuroscience are impact- ing and changing the quality and quantity of information on the brain. Modern medical technology and…
The great Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky writing in the 1930s maintained that scholars in the discipline of psychology were drifting into the polar camps of behaviorism and phenomenology. There was no doubt that Vygotsky clearly saw into the…
About ten years ago, a handful of faculty at the University of Delaware, searching for a better way to teach, adapted problem-based learning (PBL) to
their introductory science courses. Subsequently, committed to helping their colleagues discover…
I would like to thank John Maclean for his extensive and insightful
comments as well as for his guidance and supervision during my years at
the University of Sussex. Without him this book would not have been
possible. I also owe a debt of…
Oxford University Press is a department of the University of
Oxford. It furthers the University’s objective of excellence in research,
scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide.
It was Italy. I was in love. It was divine and I was discontented.
What exactly is discontentment? It is the restless longing
for better circumstances—and I was definitely restless.
Almost all entrepreneurs are at times and that is actually…
THE OFFICIAL UBUNTU BOOK CAPTURES both the spirit and the precision with
which Ubuntu itself is crafted. Like Ubuntu, it has evolved in a steady
cadence of regular releases, and this sixth edition reflects the cumulative
insight gained from prior…