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Legal pluralism in Polynesian traditional
management of resources and territories

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The primary audience of this book is students in a first vis course,
particularly at the graduate level but also at the advanced undergraduate
level. While admittedly written from a computer scientist’s
point of view, the book aims to be…

Several changes have taken place in the past three decades in the U.S.
capital markets. An important one among them is the reduction in
the direct holdings of corporate equities by individual investors and a
corresponding increase in institutional…

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An intense interest in national identity is a paradoxical but an utterly human reaction
to globalization.

The paper considers the role of national literature in shaping and preserving national
identity with Russian classical literature as a…

This text is designed to introduce you to classroom management by providing a theoretical foundation and offering guidance in the development of a
program that will work for you. Management focuses on student behaviors
and the consequences of…


Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program that is designed to record and analyze numbers
and data. Excel is very widely used for accounting and financial purposes.

34. 9781784390792.pdf


17. 9781118404102.pdf
This reference book is ideal for both the entrepreneur looking to design his own site and the new web designer who plans to make a career of this exciting profession. For simplicity, this book uses many Adobe products to demonstrate common web design…
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