Ialways swore that if I ever won an Oscar Award, I wouldn’t stand
on stage and bore the world while thanking everyone and their
brother. Now I understand why award winners do this. We all owe a
debt of gratitude we can never fully repay to…
The phrase ‘learning to think differently’ is often used today and in a variety of contexts. Its meaning in this essay therefore needs to be clearly stated at the outset. As the title indicates, it is a process in which all our inherited…
Although the use of knowledge management (KM) principles in the business sector has been the focus of many books, seminars, and professional development
workshops, the application of KM in higher education has been heretofore only partially…
Evolusi Manajemen Strategi
Istilah strategi bisa dilacak pada era Yunani kuno dan menyiratkan
jenderal militer yang bertanggung jawab secara penuh dalam peperangan.
Penggunaan istilah strategi dalam dunia bisnis baru ada sejak awal abad…
The School Psychologist test assesses understanding of key concepts that school psychologists need to know
in order to do their jobs. In developing assessment material for this test, Educational Testing Service (ETS)
worked in collaboration with…
We would like to express our appreciation for all who have provided helpful com-
ments and suggestions. The reviewers of the prior editions helped make it a success-
ful product. Many valuable comments from instructors and students have helped…
Preparing those who work with our youngest and most receptive learners to be competent practitioners and reflective professionals is the most important
challenge in Education. These young minds and tiny hands deserve the best that a…
To build a stockmarket worth over $200bn in the space of some 12
years is a remarkable achievement. It has been a privilege during the
course of my research to meet some of the people involved. Their experience
and expertise has shaped my…
Over the past decade the marketing environment has changed in a series of dramatic and far-
reaching ways. Among some of the most significant of these changes has been the emergence
of what within this book we refer to as ‘the new consumer’ and…
If you played in your high school’s marching band or if you know
someone who did, you understand what it is like to spend all day at
band camp in the middle of August. The temperature is near 100 degrees and the relative humidity is…