How does one interview oneself? How does one achieve distance, reverse one's perspective, see dispassionately that which surges up from within? If, as my wife Karen says with occasional dismay, I lack ego, does that make the task easier or harder?…
SHELLEY'S FAMOUS sonnet 'Ozymandias' was written after a visit to the British Museum in 1817, where he
saw the massive granite torso of Ramesses II recently taken by Belzoni from the Ramesseum at Thebes in Egypt. Belzoni had been prevented from…
In working with educators every day who are down in the trenches making a difference in the lives of their students, I have come to realize something that is so, so exciting. We already have in place the talent and resources to transform our…
This project was completed with a year’s Research Leave generously enabled by
the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) of the United Kingdom, and
supported by the School of Cultural Studies at the University of the West of England,…
“Semiotic” or “semiotics” are terms not frequently found in the HCI literature.
Search results can be taken as a rough indication of the relative scarcity of semiotic
approaches to HCI. In December 2003 a search for semiotic in the HCI…
T he study of instruction is complex, concerned as it is with contextual and substantive matters ranging as far and wide as political, economic, social and psychological processes;
administrators' and teachers' capabilities; program planning and…
To discover where the action is in psychology, look to social psychology. In recent years, the field of social psychology has emerged as central in psychology's quest to understand human thought, feeling, and behavior. Thus, we see the…
It is inconceivable to me that there could be an approach to the mind, or to
human and animal adaptation, in which emotions are not a key component.
Failure to give emotion a central role puts theoretical and research psychology
out of step with…