BARBARA KEESLING, PH.D., has more than twenty years’ experience as a sex therapist and surrogate partner. She has a doctorate in health psychology,teaches Human Sexuality at California State University, Fullerton, and
maintains a private sexual…
I worked over my material in seminars and lecture courses at McMaster and
Dalhousie universities, benefiting from good questions by many good students.
Among them, Benjamin Doxtdator was also a very effective research assistant,
and Terry…
In view of the diversity of the readers of this book, it is probably sensible to define
several levels of complexity. The basic level (Level 1 in Figure 0.1) explains which
ergonomic factors (e.g., back support) play a role in sleeping (Chapter…
THE OFFICIAL UBUNTU BOOK CAPTURES both the spirit and the precision with
which Ubuntu itself is crafted. Like Ubuntu, it has evolved in a steady
cadence of regular releases, and this sixth edition reflects the cumulative
insight gained from prior…
In a knowledge-driven enterprise, mobile learning introduces new ways for students to learn and
educators to teach. This paper investigates the acceptability of a mobile classroom manager among
teacher educators in Central Visayas, Philippines.…
This paper shows how to address technological, cultural and social transformations with
empirically grounded innovation. Areas in transition such as higher education and learning
techniques today bring about new needs and opportunities for…
Considering the great impact the first PISA-results caused in Germany and Japan, this study seeks to
provide an explanation for the continuous higher achievement rates of students in the PISA-winner
country Japan compared to their German peers.…
In response to the limited vocabulary size of its undergraduates, an independent vocabulary
learning platform, VLearn was designed and launched in a university in Hong Kong. As an…
Universities are inundated with detailed applicant and enrolment data from a variety of sources.
However, for these data to be useful there is a need to convert them into strategic knowledge
and information for decision-making processes. This study…
This paper explores the application of canonical gradient analysis to evaluate and visualize
student performance and acceptance of a learning system platform. The subject of evaluation is a
first year BSc module for computer programming. This uses…