If you played in your high school’s marching band or if you know
someone who did, you understand what it is like to spend all day at
band camp in the middle of August. The temperature is near 100 degrees and the relative humidity is…
This volume originated with a series of working papers developed during the first round of the DFG-funded Transatlantic Graduate Research Program (TGK)
“Berlin – New York: History and Culture of the Metropolis in the 20th Century” from…
One way and another, this book has been more than 30 years in the making. Even if I were to try to remember all of those people who have contributed to it, and to record what they have done, I do not think that I would come close to acknowledging all…
I WOULD LIKE to thank the following people who in innumerable ways have made this book possible. First, to all of the brilliant contributors without whom this book would not be what it is, Margaret Janik for being my mirror, Stephen Perrella for his…
It is almost impossible to imagine the work of thinking, speaking, listening, reading, and writing without stumbling into the history of one’s education. The very thought directs a timeless affected world. We may be reminded of how uncertain its…
So you want to be a successful online teacher—you are to be commended! Being a great teacher comes naturally to a select few. Others of us spend years fine tuning our craft, seeking additional learning and education, reflecting on our practice, and…
Change was the story of the 20th century and will inevitably be the story of the 21st. In order to survive and prosper, organizations in the private and the public sectors will need to respond in a timely and flexible way to social, techno- logical,…
Like every other social institution, education has undergone many changes over the past few years: globalization, the emergence of the knowledge economy and lifelong learning have been among them. Significantly, people often now talk about lifelong…