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Prentice Hall - Contrarian investing (1998).pdf
Contemplating a book about contrarian investing is like thinking about climbing Mt. Everest. You're excited by the challenge, but overwhelmed by the difficulty. Fortunately, many great investors and thinkers have climbed that mountain before and in…

Palgrave - The Fear Factor, What Happens When Fear Grips Wal.pdf
Not since the Great Depression have Wall Street and Main Street been so gripped in fear. The lives of those who lived through the Great Depression in the 1930s
were forever changed. Only two generations of almost unbroken prosperity since the 1960s…

Palgrave - Advances in Understanding Strategic Behaviour, Ga.pdf
In the decades that followed, the economics literature slowly started filling this gap. Evolutionary game theory, preference evolution, learning models, models of bounded rationality with and without optimization, and,
of course, more and more…

Oxford - Uses and Abuses of Plant-Derived Smoke, Its Ethnobo.pdf
lants are essential for human life. They provide the food, shelter, medicines, and biomass necessary for sustainable livelihoods. Virtually all of our food comes
directly or indirectly from plants. More than three-quarters of the world’s people…

Oxford - Psychology of Human Motivation (2006).pdf
Psychology has always been interested in interest. Theories of interest, curiosity, and intrinsic motivation appear in historical classics and in far-flung areas of modern research. The study of interest currently has a home in the psychology of…

Oxford - Playing for Real, A Text on Game Theory (2007).pdf
There are at least three questions a game theory book might answer: What is game theory about? How do I apply game theory? Why is game theory right?
Playing for Real tries to answer all three questions. I think it is the only book that makes a…

Oxford - Neuroeconomics, A Guide to New Science of Making Ch.pdf
The book seeks new methods to inform debates about the value of neuroeconomic methods. Somewhat as the field of epidemiology has categorized medical experiments, it describes the different methods of study
and the levels of evidence they provide.…

Osborne - Introduction to Game Theory (2000).pdf
Game theoretic reasoning pervades economic theory and is used widely in other social and behavioral sciences. This book presents the main ideas of game theory and shows how they can be used to understand economic, social, political, and biological…

MIT - Economics and Psychology, A Promising New Cross-Discip.pdf
This book is part of the CESifo Seminar Series. The series aims to cover policy issues in economics from a largely European perspective. The books in this series are the products of the papers and intensive debates that took place during the seminars…

MIT - Does Game Theory Work - The Bargaining Challenge (2007.pdf
It is true that unmotivated subjects in unfamiliar situations don’t play as game theory predicts. So if game theory had to predict interactive human under all circumstances to be worthy of attention, it would in-
deed be a failure. But who would…
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