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Kluwer - Temperament, A Psychological Perspective (2002).pdf
More than 40 years have elapsed since I was a psychology student at the University
of Warsaw and wrote a seminar paper on temperament, specifically, on Teplov’s
contribution to this field. My first published paper, which appeared in 1958, was…

Jessica Kingsley - Promoting Emotional Education (2009).pdf
The twin needs to raise educational standards for all and to improve access to educational opportunities for the most vulnerable members of society, continue to be major challenges facing educators throughout the world. The persistent link between…

Guilford Press - the mindful path to self-compassion, Freein.pdf
Why is it so hard to extend the same kindness to ourselves
that many of us gladly offer to others? Maybe it’s because
in our conventional way of thinking in the West we tend
to view compassion as a gift, and bestowing it on ourselves seems…

Guilford - Handbook of Emotion Regulation (2007).pdf
The topic of emotion regulation has now come into its own. Books, articles, and conferences related to emotion regulation seem to be everywhere. This growing interest is reflected in citation trends. As shown in Figure P.1, until the early 1990s,…

Guilford - Handbook of Emotion (2008).pdf

Emerald - Emotions and Organizational Dynamism (2010).pdf
Emotions have widespread effects in organizations and underlie a broad range of dynamics in organizations. This volume explores the role that emotion plays in such diverse organizational phenomena as entrepreneurship, change, service failure, and…

Cambridge - Emotional Experience and Religious Understanding.pdf
In this book Mark Wynn argues that the landscape of philosophical
theology looks rather different from the perspective of a reconceived
theory of emotion. In matters of religion, we do not need to opt for
objective content over emotional form or…

Blackwell - Emotions, a Brief History (2004).pdf
‘‘In this short history, Keith Oatley captures the current excitement of the ongoing ‘Affect Revolution’ and its historical
antecedents. As psychologists seek to decipher the foundations
of the many emotional values of animate existence,…

Princeton - Behavioral Economics & Its Applications (2007).pdf
Over the last decade or so, behavioral economics has fundamentally changed the way economists conceptualize the world. Behavioral economics is an umbrella of approaches that seek to extend the standard economics framework to account for relevant…

Princeton - Advances in Behavioral Economics (2004).pdf
This book was conceived several years ago when the editors, along with Drazen Prelec and Dick Thaler, spent a year as a working group at the Center for Advanced Study in Behavioral Sciences (CASES). When we weren’t playing volley ball or hiking, we…
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