Browse Items (835 total)

Oxford - Andrew Scull - Hysteria, The Biography (2009).pdf
London, Friday, April 30,1602. The last year of Elizabeth I’s
reign. A 14-year-old girl, Mary Glover, the daughter of a
well-to-do shopkeeper, left her house on Thames Street
to run an errand for her mother.

The aim of this study is to develop and propose a strategic role enhancement for
the Internal Auditing function for South African companies, by incorporating the
Balanced Scorecard as a guide. The proposed strategy will be developed based

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Construction is the foundation of clothing and of fashion design;
it is vital that fashion designers know and understand the
techniques involved in creating a three-dimensional garment
from a two-dimensional design or pattern in order to create…

The New Perspectives Series’ critical-thinking, problem-solving approach is the ideal way
to prepare students to transcend point-and-click skills and take advantage of all that
Microsoft Office 2013 has to offer.

Preparing those who work with our youngest and most receptive learners to be competent practitioners and reflective professionals is the most important
challenge in Education. These young minds and tiny hands deserve the best that a…

HOW TO WRITE THE BUSINESS LETTER: _24 chapters on preparing to write the letter and finding the
proper viewpoint; how to open the letter, present the proposition convincingly, make an effective close; how
to acquire a forceful style and inject…

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Prentice Hall - Contrarian investing (1998).pdf
Contemplating a book about contrarian investing is like thinking about climbing Mt. Everest. You're excited by the challenge, but overwhelmed by the difficulty. Fortunately, many great investors and thinkers have climbed that mountain before and in…

The relationship of a structure to its surroundings is fundamental to
engineering requirements and design cohesion. A value system is also conveyed
by both structure and surroundings. In addition, the component materials
used convey visual and…

The evolution of gender relations has brought women to the forefront of social
functions. However, these roles have come with a price as women have often been
labelled by society as nothing more than sexual objects for the taking regardless…

he life of Antoni Gaudí (1852-1926) is best told
and analysed through a focused study of his
works. The buildings, plans and designs testify to
Gaudí’s character, interests and remarkable creativity
in a way that research into his…
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