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06. adln--lizthomas-8465-1-widening-n.pdf
This book is written at a time when widening participation in post- compulsory education seems to be undergoing something of a renaissance. It is therefore necessary to seize this opportunity to ensure that the nature of post-16 learning…

The Cities of the Global South Reader adopts a fresh and critical approach to the fi eld of urbanization in the
developing world. The Reader incorporates both early and emerging debates about the diverse trajectories of
urbanization processes…

A fter law school and the bar exam, I went to work at a Wall Street law firm in the fall of 1992. I was struck by the fact that, with few exceptions, the more senior lawyers in the firm didn't have a clue about how to manage people my age.

I T HAS BECOME a cliché to say that education is in “crisis.” But it is true: A deep sense of crisis pervades discussions of education in the United States. Perhaps most distressingly, the crisis appears to be chronic. Reports in the mass media,…

Much of contemporary public finance can be described as being either
Wicksellian or Edgeworthian in character. In the former, fiscal phenomena
in the
through acts of choice…

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07. adln--manuelmart-8336-1-thecont-n.pdf
This book was written as an introduction to instruction in higher educa- tion. The work, written as companion to The Psychology of Teaching an Learning: A Three-Step Approach (Martinez-Pons, 2001), concentrates on the roles instructors and students…

The aim of this study is to develop and propose a strategic role enhancement for
the Internal Auditing function for South African companies, by incorporating the
Balanced Scorecard as a guide. The proposed strategy will be developed based

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We have tried to put down in one place, in an organized fashion, much of what we have
come to believe about how to teach effectively for thinking. /// The organizing ideas for
the entire volume come from Sternberg's triarchic (3-part) theory of…

One way and another, this book has been more than 30 years in the making. Even if I were to try to remember all of those people who have contributed to it, and to record what they have done, I do not think that I would come close to acknowledging all…

City and territory design may offer new, original relations between urban
societies and physical space, creating new forms of public space that will respond
to a different kind of urban order than in the past. The sections of this book…
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