Browse Items (76 total)

This paper represents an attempt to consider how artists in general—and Japanese post-war
novelists in particular—deal with traumatic experience and how this process is reflected in
their subsequent literary texts. More specifically, it will…

The use of social media in governments is growing rapidly all over the world. Social media
provides public agencies with diverse tools that facilitate their engagement with the public.
However, social media raises different privacy, security and…

This paper discusses the relation between film theory, subject and the idea of community
building. I will give a detailed understanding of how both theoretical perspectives in film
studies as well as the artistic practice of film making try to…

Universities are inundated with detailed applicant and enrolment data from a variety of sources.
However, for these data to be useful there is a need to convert them into strategic knowledge
and information for decision-making processes. This study…

In response to the limited vocabulary size of its undergraduates, an independent vocabulary
learning platform, VLearn was designed and launched in a university in Hong Kong. As an…

Prominent cultural studies scholars, beginning as early as the Frankfurt School and continuing
through to today, have routinely identified the mystery novel as a worthy cultural product
because it serves to valorize scientism by illustrating the…

The paper examines why Western culture achieved a position of hegemony in
global development in the 1800s and why non-Western cultures, particularly
Arabic, Indian, and Chinese cultures, did not achieve the same despite earlier
supremacy in…

Religion plays a vitally important role among the people of Myanmar. In this paper, I will use
the name “Myanmar” as a country name and “Burma” for the ethnic Barma people. “Burma”
was the country name before the military government…

Official Conference Proceedings

Official Conference Proceedings
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