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Hypnosis for Selling, sebagaimana saat ini sangat marak dijumpai sebagai topik di berbagai pelatihan di bidang penjualan, sebenarnya merupakan penerapan teori-teori hipnosis (hipnotis) modern dalam bidang penjualan (selling).

Parametrics is more about an attitude of mind than any particular software
It has its roots in mechanical design, as such, for architects it is
borrowed thought and technology. It is a way of thinking that some designers
may find…

This book would not have been possible without the teachers and principals who invited me into their classrooms and schools. These warriors of compassion are unrelenting in their struggle to create educational settings that are responsive to every…

Become a master in the influential, diverse, and highly innovative field of experi mental
filmmaking. Harness the little-known techniques and subtle aesthetics
for this imagination-driven art form.

Manga is undoubtedly one of the most popular and mimicked art forms of modern times.

I WROTE the first draft of Notre-Dame twenty-six years ago, a circumstance that would mark me as middle-aged
today, were it not for three young children who make
me feeJ otherwise. The book's origin were decidedly
modest, as a Master's thesis in…


The sixth edition of the highly successful The City Reader juxtaposes the very best classic and contemporary writings on the city to provide the comprehensive mapping of the terrain of Urban Studies and Planning old and new. The sixth edition is…

“Finally the journey leads to the city of Tamara. One enters the city
through streets which are fi lled with insignia protruding from the walls.
The eye only sees images of things which mean other things… Your
gaze scans the streets as though…

A square cover-plate connecting the capital with the
architrave, which in Egyptian architecture is found on
polygonal columns and pillars with floral capitals. The
visible side was frequently inscribed with a horizontal
cartouche. In late temples…
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