At the dawn of the twentieth century, visitors in an urban high school would have noted
that large classrooms of around fifty students were typical. had they asked, they would
have learned the desks were bolted to the floor to promote a quieter and…
The Art in Peacemaking:
An Initiative of the Partnership for Conflict Resolution in the Arts
Young people bring many challenges and sensitive issues with them when they enter community arts programs. Often these challenges exist as disputes young…
IN the early years of the sixteenth century the extraordinary power, wealth, and imagination of
the Pope, Juhus II della Rovere made Rome the artistic centre of Italy and of Europe and attracted there the most distinguished artists ofhis age.…
Thought is in fact a kind of algebra, as Berkeley long ago said, “in which, though a particular quantity be marked by each letter, yet to proceed right, it is not requisite that in every step each letter suggest to your thoughts that particular…
Let me first give you a short description of what an affiliate program really
is. You sign up with an affiliate program, send visitors to the merchant’s
site (the merchant is the owner of the affiliate program), the merchant’s site
Although The Adobe Illustrator WOW! Book for CS6 and CC contains much to inspire users
at all levels, it has been designed and tested for intermediate through professional-level users
of Adobe Illustrator. To follow along with the lessons, you’ll…
THIS book is a link in our campaign to defend the great powers of the Child. To-day while our world is being torn apart, here and there one hears of plans being formulated for future reconstruction. One of the means which is envisaged for the purpose…
This book is a concise fact-file of theories, terminology and techniques for teachers.
Plus there are lots of tips  , traps  and articles preceded by a star icon that we hope will make learning and teaching even more effective.
We welcome…