The Absorbent Mind
Dublin Core
The Absorbent Mind
THE present volume is based upon the lectures given by Dr. Maria Montessori at Ahmedabad, during the first Training Course after her internment in India which lasted up to the end of World War II. In it she exposes the unique mental powers of the young child which enable him to construct and firmly establish within a few years only, without teachers, without any of the usual aids of education, nay, almost abandoned and often obstructed, all the characteristics of the human personality.
THIS book is a link in our campaign to defend the great powers of the Child. To-day while our world is being torn apart, here and there one hears of plans being formulated for future reconstruction. One of the means which is envisaged for the purpose is education. Indeed
the intensifying of education, the return to religion is recommended generally. I too feel that humanity is not yet ready to take part in the evolution that it desires so ardently, the construction of peaceful and harmonious society, the elimination of wars. Men are not sufficienty educated to control the events, rather they become the victims of them. Although education is recognised as one of the means for the uplift of humanity, it is con- ceived as an education of the mind only ; some superior sort of ordinary education is still envisaged.
the intensifying of education, the return to religion is recommended generally. I too feel that humanity is not yet ready to take part in the evolution that it desires so ardently, the construction of peaceful and harmonious society, the elimination of wars. Men are not sufficienty educated to control the events, rather they become the victims of them. Although education is recognised as one of the means for the uplift of humanity, it is con- ceived as an education of the mind only ; some superior sort of ordinary education is still envisaged.
Maria Montessori
Maria Montessori, “The Absorbent Mind ,” Portal Ebook UNTAG SURABAYA, accessed March 15, 2025,