Browse Items (835 total)

In response to the limited vocabulary size of its undergraduates, an independent vocabulary
learning platform, VLearn was designed and launched in a university in Hong Kong. As an…

Social science research suggests that using a red pen for essay marking evokes a
negative student response. Beyond the choice of marking color, ELL students are
often overwhelmed by the assorted scribbles, circles and slashes that teachers apply…

Reversing Urban Decline Why and How Sports Entertainment and Culture Turn Cities into Major League Winners 2 Edition.pdf
The “coin of the realm” for decades among independent and academic policy analysts, myself included, was that
public sector investments in arenas, ballparks, and stadia,

Prominent cultural studies scholars, beginning as early as the Frankfurt School and continuing
through to today, have routinely identified the mystery novel as a worthy cultural product
because it serves to valorize scientism by illustrating the…

The Official Ubuntu Book (6th Edition).pdf
THE OFFICIAL UBUNTU BOOK CAPTURES both the spirit and the precision with
which Ubuntu itself is crafted. Like Ubuntu, it has evolved in a steady
cadence of regular releases, and this sixth edition reflects the cumulative
insight gained from prior…

The literary responses to Fukushima disaster appeared in the last few years
highlighted the similarities with Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombing
experiences as long as both tragedies were caused by an arguable usage of nuclear
power. What is…

The Brookings Institution is a private nonprofit organization devoted to research, edu-
cation, and publication on important issues of domestic and foreign policy. Its principal
is to
bear on current

Although The Adobe Illustrator WOW! Book for CS6 and CC contains much to inspire users
at all levels, it has been designed and tested for intermediate through professional-level users
of Adobe Illustrator. To follow along with the lessons, you’ll…

Prominent cultural studies scholars, beginning as early as the Frankfurt School and continuing
through to today, have routinely identified the mystery novel as a worthy cultural product
because it serves to valorize scientism by illustrating the…

The owner's brief was to design a dramatic, memorable
house. The house needed to suit his specific aesthetic
considerations and have the flexibility.
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