Browse Items (835 total)

Times Books - Emotions Revealed, Recognizing Faces and Feeli.pdf
Some of the people at the National Institute of Mental Health to
whom this book is dedicated took an interest in my career back
when I was a beginning graduate student in 1955. The others joined in over the years. It has been an amazing span—1955…

Wiley - Empathy and Fairness (2007).pdf
We’re here to discuss empathy and fairness. In the last few years there have been
dramatic changes in our attitude to concepts such as these. While we have always
known that empathy and fairness describe a vital part of human culture, very few…

Encyclopedia of Machine Learning.pdf
Abduction is a form of reasoning, sometimes described
as “deduction in reverse,” whereby given a rule that
“A follows from B” and the observed result of “A” we
infer the condition “B” of the rule. More generally,
given a theory,…

I struggled to maintain the momentum to complete the research and write Energy
Efficiency until one day, I asked a wonderful friend, Joan Honeyfield, if she would
help me. Joan is creative, articulate, talented, and most of all a great charge…

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Producing Veracity in the
Victorian Courtroom

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Whyand how is it that some individuals decide they want to create businesses
and then actually do so? Why and how is it that others do not,
even though they appear to have what it takes to succeed in business?
These two questions were among the…

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Ergonomic Solutions for the Process Industries.pdf
Human factors/ergonomics is defined as the systematic process of
designing for human use through the application of our knowledge of
human beings to the equipment they use, the environments in which they
operate, the tasks they perform, and the…

Elsevier - Ergonomics for Therapists (20080.pdf
This chapter defi nes ergonomics and provides
brief histories of the fi elds of occupational
therapy (OT), physical therapy, and ergonomics.
It also describes the relationships between therapists and ergonomists in three areas of practice:…

CRC Press - Ergonomics for Rehabilitation Professionals (200.pdf
Rehabilitation ergonomics is a young discipline. First proposed in 1979 informally
in the literature, rehabilitation ergonomics needs to grow signifi cantly. While the
principles of rehabilitation ergonomics may remain stable, undergoing little…

As far back as we go in our study of the way mankind has
lived, from the earliest reaches of recorded history and even from
the times of the prehistoric monuments studied by archeology,
we find men applying their labor to the resources of Nature…

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