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The present study examined the effects of two types of input-based approaches
―combination of pragmalinguistics- and sociopragmatics-focused instruction (CI)
and sociopragmatics-focused instruction (SI) on learners' recognizing and…

Color is an inherent component of graphic design. It represents character,
mood, ability, and resonance. Whether we like it or not, most graphic…

Ah, acknowledgments. While all the glory of writing a book is consumed by the authors, it
takes so many more people than just us to actually make this happen. Just like building
design, the process of writing and publishing a book is truly a team…

Taylor & Francis - Biomechanics in Ergonomics (1999).pdf
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) (1995) about 58 per cent of the
world’s population over the age of 10 years spend one-third of their time at work. This
collective work generates US $21.6 trillion as gross domestic product which…

Taylor & Francis - International Encyclopedia of Ergonomics .pdf
Any mature discipline and profession requires understanding of its core competencies. Also, the exercise of
defining core competencies is itself well worth while,
because it prompts a profession to look closely at itself,
its goals and its…

Springer - Assessing Emotional Intelligence, Theory, Researc.pdf

LEA - The Handbook of Task Analysis for Human-Computer-Inter.pdf
Believe it or not, task analysis has foundations going back to the turn of the last century. One of
the reasons for its longevity is that task analysis methods have adapted. Evolutionary changes
in its associated disciplines have been accompanied…

IOS Press - Assessment of the Ergonomic Quality of hand-held.pdf
The quality of products and the management processes employed for their production, represents an important criterion that can set a company apart from competitors. This among other things is one reason the evaluation and certification of products,…

Guilford - Handbook of Emotion Regulation (2007).pdf
The topic of emotion regulation has now come into its own. Books, articles, and conferences related to emotion regulation seem to be everywhere. This growing interest is reflected in citation trends. As shown in Figure P.1, until the early 1990s,…

Oxford - Who Needs Emotion - The Brain Meet the Robots (2005.pdf
For some, emotions are uniquely human attributes; for others,
emotions can be seen everywhere from animals to machines and even the
weather. Yet, ever since Darwin published The Expression of the Emotions in
Man and Animals, it has been agreed…
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