The study investigates customer responses to service encounters characterized by a
high degree of service providers’ assertiveness, and the individual factors moderating
the resulting responses. The first of two formal experiments examines the…
The pedantic strategy is one of the key elements of any cooperation’s success.
However, the implementation of the strategy is very important; as often strategy fails
during the implementation stage. The implementation of the strategy is a…
Architecture’s moral mission reached the nadir of its decline in the 1970s, after the critiques of modernism formulated by Jane Jacobs and Robert Venturi unleashed a thoroughgoing repudiation of the movement’s moral pretensions. The revolutionary…
Let me tell you why this business book is different right from the
start. It’s written by people who know what they’re talking about.
Now I know what you’re thinking—aren’t all business books written
by people who should know what…
A square cover-plate connecting the capital with the
architrave, which in Egyptian architecture is found on
polygonal columns and pillars with floral capitals. The
visible side was frequently inscribed with a horizontal
cartouche. In late temples…
There are a number of good books on banking in the market; so, why should the
authors write another one and, more importantly, why should the student be
burdened with an additional one? Books on banking tend to be focused on the
management of the…
The youngish-looking man who so vigorously swung off the train at Restview, wore a pair of intensely dark
blue eyes which immediately photographed everything within their range of vision--flat green country, shaded
farm-houses, encircling wooded…
Like all books, The Design Manual did not write itself. There
are so many people who have been influential in my design
thinking, learning, doing and communicating over many
years, that to list names would be fraught with the very…
I would like to dedicate The Design Book to Laurence King,
who has shown me so much support over the years, and to
thank the following people for their invaluable help in the
making of this book: all the designers featured, especially
those who I…