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Southeast Asia is home to various cultural communities beset with war and conflict.
Peace building efforts in the islands have been raised to a certain level of intensity.
With the hopes to avoid war and conflict, initiatives toward achieving peace…

implicit attitudes, prejudice, Implicit Association Test, unconscious motivation

Novices find it difficult to learn programming. In order to write a program, they have
to learn the basic concepts of programming along with the syntax and semantics of a
programming language. One of the important tasks in programming is debugging.…

Recognized as a great anti-slavery narrative, Harriet Beecher Stowe’s 19 century novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin is often seen as more of a historical document today. Yet the way several of Stowe’s characters such as Mrs. Bird, Ophelia, and Uncle Tom…

This book would not have been possible without the teachers and principals who invited me into their classrooms and schools. These warriors of compassion are unrelenting in their struggle to create educational settings that are responsive to every…

LEA - The Handbook of Task Analysis for Human-Computer-Inter.pdf
Believe it or not, task analysis has foundations going back to the turn of the last century. One of
the reasons for its longevity is that task analysis methods have adapted. Evolutionary changes
in its associated disciplines have been accompanied…

n the economically developed world, the majority of all jobs, often more than 75 per cent,
involve some form of service work (Bryson et al., 2004b). Furthermore, some 9 in 10 of
all new jobs are also in services, particularly in Europe, North…

Several changes have taken place in the past three decades in the U.S.
capital markets. An important one among them is the reduction in
the direct holdings of corporate equities by individual investors and a
corresponding increase in institutional…

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“We see design reflected in countless artifacts with which we furnish and sustain our environment . . . But what shapes design?” (Galle 2002). Galle effectively answers this question in subsequent writings, suggesting that there is a direct…

Quotes are valuable. they are knowledge, and wisdom and insight. they offer us the opportunity to learn through others. and they are great tools to reinforce and
reaffirm what we already understand. sometimes hearing the words of a famous or…
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