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This paper represents an attempt to consider how artists in general—and Japanese post-war
novelists in particular—deal with traumatic experience and how this process is reflected in
their subsequent literary texts. More specifically, it will…

America has long and vigorously been taken up with the issue of cultural identity, the one and
the many. Its literary authorship, Puritans to Postmoderns, has been no less so engaged. Who
gets to say what writing best speaks for the culture? Has…

The concept of “world literature” can be viewed as insisting on returning to reading a text
without the mechanical use of literary theory. This means, as Zhang Longxi notes, referring to
Kermode, “tak[ing] whatever theoretical help you…

The present study examined the effects of two types of input-based approaches
―combination of pragmalinguistics- and sociopragmatics-focused instruction (CI)
and sociopragmatics-focused instruction (SI) on learners' recognizing and…

An increasing number of international students, whose teaching and learning practices are very
different from that of the UK, is studying in the U.K. This study poses the question of whether
Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) is the most optimum…

Religion plays a vitally important role among the people of Myanmar. In this paper, I will use
the name “Myanmar” as a country name and “Burma” for the ethnic Barma people. “Burma”
was the country name before the military government…

As we know, one important component of the methodology of deconstruction involves
analyzing the logic of binary oppositions, particularly those binaries wielding great cultural
and ideological influence, such as presence/absence, speech/writing,…

This paper explores the application of canonical gradient analysis to evaluate and visualize
student performance and acceptance of a learning system platform. The subject of evaluation is a
first year BSc module for computer programming. This uses…

Considering the great impact the first PISA-results caused in Germany and Japan, this study seeks to
provide an explanation for the continuous higher achievement rates of students in the PISA-winner
country Japan compared to their German peers.…

This paper shows how to address technological, cultural and social transformations with
empirically grounded innovation. Areas in transition such as higher education and learning
techniques today bring about new needs and opportunities for…
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