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This book is devoted to the parametric statistical distributions of economic size
phenomena of various types—a subject that has been explored in both statistical and
economic literature for over 100 years since the publication of V. Pareto’s…

The problem of
architectural theory
may be
in many
ways. In
indicate the
various factors
which deter-
mine the
as well

Every culture has its “hot button”, or that certain something that elicits a strong,
emotional response that can lead to conflict. Filipinos are known to be warm, friendly
and hospitable, but that hot button was pushed when a Polish blogger…

Guilford Press - the mindful path to self-compassion, Freein.pdf
Why is it so hard to extend the same kindness to ourselves
that many of us gladly offer to others? Maybe it’s because
in our conventional way of thinking in the West we tend
to view compassion as a gift, and bestowing it on ourselves seems…

Linux Bible Ninth Edition
SInce I was hired by Red Hat Inc. more than six years ago, I have been exposed to
many of the best Linux developers, testers, support professionals and instructors in
the world. Since I can’t thank everyone individually, I instead salute the…

IBM is a leader in information technology, providing the hardware and software to
enable businesses to gain a competitive advantage. With research and years of
experience, IBM has always provided robust frameworks and architectures for

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This is a copyrighted work and The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. (“McGraw-Hill”) and its licensors reserve all rights in and to the work. Use of this work
is subject to these terms. Except as permitted under the Copyright Act of 1976 and the right…

Having spent many weeks in the hospital left an indelible imprint on the way I experience pain, suff ering, and loss within the recognized healthcare environment. Surely this fear and anxiety that one feels in this controlled and somewhat clinical…

I acknowledge, with gratitude, the support provided by the university of adelaide. I
particularly acknowledge the support and guidance provided by emeritus Fellow Ian leaderelliott and Professor ngaire naffine of the law School, the university of…

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MIT Press - The Semiotic Engineering of Human-Computer Inter.pdf
“Semiotic” or “semiotics” are terms not frequently found in the HCI literature.
Search results can be taken as a rough indication of the relative scarcity of semiotic
approaches to HCI. In December 2003 a search for semiotic in the HCI…
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