Browse Items (108 total)

implicit attitudes, prejudice, Implicit Association Test, unconscious motivation

Prominent cultural studies scholars, beginning as early as the Frankfurt School and continuing
through to today, have routinely identified the mystery novel as a worthy cultural product
because it serves to valorize scientism by illustrating the…

The literary responses to Fukushima disaster appeared in the last few years
highlighted the similarities with Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombing
experiences as long as both tragedies were caused by an arguable usage of nuclear
power. What is…

Prominent cultural studies scholars, beginning as early as the Frankfurt School and continuing
through to today, have routinely identified the mystery novel as a worthy cultural product
because it serves to valorize scientism by illustrating the…

Social science research suggests that using a red pen for essay marking evokes a
negative student response. Beyond the choice of marking color, ELL students are
often overwhelmed by the assorted scribbles, circles and slashes that teachers apply…

In response to the limited vocabulary size of its undergraduates, an independent vocabulary
learning platform, VLearn was designed and launched in a university in Hong Kong. As an…

The purpose of this field report is to demonstrate some effective strategies to teach
English communication to the intermediate- to advanced-level university students. The
report is based on my English communication class (at Rikkyo University in…

Universities are inundated with detailed applicant and enrolment data from a variety of sources.
However, for these data to be useful there is a need to convert them into strategic knowledge
and information for decision-making processes. This study…

This paper discusses the relation between film theory, subject and the idea of community
building. I will give a detailed understanding of how both theoretical perspectives in film
studies as well as the artistic practice of film making try to…

Purpose. Language acquisition is associated with or influenced by a number offactors which can be called sociolinguistic, social/sociological or demographic.Among other things, children cannot avoid being influenced linguistically by theirpeers and…
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