Educational outcomes are the infrastructure for the future state competitiveness and
cohesiveness. Evaluation has a strong effect on educational outcomes. This paper
develops a conceptual framework for a more effective method to…
Of all the outstanding poets in the history of China, Li Bai (701-762) is perhaps the
greatest and most famous. His name appears in World's Who's Who. His poems have
been translated into several languages.
The present study examined the effects of two types of input-based approaches
―combination of pragmalinguistics- and sociopragmatics-focused instruction (CI)
and sociopragmatics-focused instruction (SI) on learners' recognizing and…
Natural disasters, which strike without warning and leaves limited scope of
preparedness, is a potentially traumatic event that is collectively experienced with
severe consequences. With its high news values, natural disasters gain attention of…
Although reading is popularly considered to be a solitary experience, in linguistics
and literature studies the social nature of reading has been widely recognized.
Accordingly, it is posited here that due to their inherently interactive and…
Every culture has its “hot button”, or that certain something that elicits a strong,
emotional response that can lead to conflict. Filipinos are known to be warm, friendly
and hospitable, but that hot button was pushed when a Polish blogger…
The standing of John Updike (1932-2009), a multiple prize-winning author of more
than 60 books, has suffered over the last two decades. Critics have recognized
Updike’s skill as a writer of beautiful prose, but fail to include him among the…
Jhumpa Lahiri was able to share with the world her first book, a collection of nine
stories, Interpreter of Maladies, published in 1999. Brought up in America as well as
her Indian heritage make her a genuinely interpreter of themes such as,…
The paper critically interrogates and assesses the importance of reading and its indispensable
contributions to the educational development of the society. The paper also laments the fallen
standard of education in Nigeria and addresses the decay…
Anshul Tiwari’s film Rosario was awarded first prize in the IAFOR FilmAsia Open Film Competition
2012 in the under twenty minutes documentary category. The following interview was recorded in
Singapore on 15 February 2013.