The European Conference on Technology in the Classroom 2016
Official Conference Proceedings
Dublin Core
The European Conference on Technology in the Classroom 2016
Official Conference Proceedings
Official Conference Proceedings
The European Conference on Technology in the Classroom 2016
Official Conference Proceedings
Official Conference Proceedings
Modular Learning Design is a structure for K-12 schools Curriculums. The designing
must happen depends on learning. Instead of making curriculum, unite-lesson plans
for learning objectives, transferring information; Modular Learning Design allows
and suggests making curriculum for skills. This article explains and examines
practical usage by different concepts such as: Goal, Method, Center, Key point,
Assessment, Unit Plan, Technology Usage, Flexibility-Modularity, 21.Century Skills
and the theoretical foundations of modular learning design, particularly
constructivism and constructionism, and notes the similarities and differences among
implementations, including project-based science (Blumenfeld, 1991), Understanding
by Design (Wiggins, 1996), Learning by doing (Piaget, 1960), Proof upon practice
(Skinner, 1945), Assessment and teaching 21st Century skills (Griffin,2011), Zone of
Proximal Development (Vygotsky,1962) , Discovery learning (Bruner, 1961),
Criterion-Referenced Measurement (Glaser, 1963), disciplined inquiry (Levstik &
Barton, 2001). Finally, practical advice and recommendations for modular learning
design are discussed, including beginning slowly with the implementation, teaching
students to negotiate cooperative/collaborative groups and establishing multiple forms
of performance assessments.
MLD proposes a new paradigm for schools to ensure holistic learning of individuals
to address 21st century needs of human. This will be an introduction and
demonstration of a new curriculum framework designed for students aged 3 to 12
with evaluating 21.Century Skills especially for assessment of 21st century skills with
the interactive sample of "Collaborative problem solving"
Keywords: technology, 21 st-century skills, curriculum, teacher training, learning
must happen depends on learning. Instead of making curriculum, unite-lesson plans
for learning objectives, transferring information; Modular Learning Design allows
and suggests making curriculum for skills. This article explains and examines
practical usage by different concepts such as: Goal, Method, Center, Key point,
Assessment, Unit Plan, Technology Usage, Flexibility-Modularity, 21.Century Skills
and the theoretical foundations of modular learning design, particularly
constructivism and constructionism, and notes the similarities and differences among
implementations, including project-based science (Blumenfeld, 1991), Understanding
by Design (Wiggins, 1996), Learning by doing (Piaget, 1960), Proof upon practice
(Skinner, 1945), Assessment and teaching 21st Century skills (Griffin,2011), Zone of
Proximal Development (Vygotsky,1962) , Discovery learning (Bruner, 1961),
Criterion-Referenced Measurement (Glaser, 1963), disciplined inquiry (Levstik &
Barton, 2001). Finally, practical advice and recommendations for modular learning
design are discussed, including beginning slowly with the implementation, teaching
students to negotiate cooperative/collaborative groups and establishing multiple forms
of performance assessments.
MLD proposes a new paradigm for schools to ensure holistic learning of individuals
to address 21st century needs of human. This will be an introduction and
demonstration of a new curriculum framework designed for students aged 3 to 12
with evaluating 21.Century Skills especially for assessment of 21st century skills with
the interactive sample of "Collaborative problem solving"
Keywords: technology, 21 st-century skills, curriculum, teacher training, learning
Murat Sürmeli
Murat Sürmeli, “The European Conference on Technology in the Classroom 2016
Official Conference Proceedings ,” Portal Ebook UNTAG SURABAYA, accessed March 14, 2025,