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Well below freezing the air inside the plane turns breath
to fog and windows to ice. Heat from a hand pressed
against the glass makes a patch of window transparent
long enough for a glimpse of the snow-blown expanse of
rock three hundred metres…

Construction is the foundation of clothing and of fashion design;
it is vital that fashion designers know and understand the
techniques involved in creating a three-dimensional garment
from a two-dimensional design or pattern in order to create…

Beautiful Usersis dedicated to Bill
Moggridge (1943–2012), a pioneer of
human-centered design. As director of
Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design
Museum, 2010–12, Moggridge inspired
us to reinvent our own design processes.
We will…


The idea is to create a space within an existing
space. The entrance is the dark colour wooden
louvre on both sides. Once you enter the gate,
there are six treatment areas which covered
by black and white fabric to define a private

Bundy Bundy is the largest hairstyling firm
in the high-quality segment in Austria. This
internationally oriented flagship salon is a
jewel in Vienna’s crown. The objective is to
accommodate the high art of hairstyling in
a salon that…

This book is aimed at those digital artists who have just started working on the 3ds Max.
In this eBook, I have covered Autodesk and mental ray materials. A better understanding
of materials and maps gives you …

Princeton - Behavioral Economics & Its Applications (2007).pdf
Over the last decade or so, behavioral economics has fundamentally changed the way economists conceptualize the world. Behavioral economics is an umbrella of approaches that seek to extend the standard economics framework to account for relevant…

Management accounting deals with the provision of accounting and nonaccounting
information to internal users for the purpose of facilitating their decision
making. While technical in nature, management accounting still functions in a

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WHAT EVERY E-LEARNING designer, developer, and manager wants, at least once in a while, is information and ideas that were use- ful to others. How did other people solve particular problems in the creation, distribution, and tracking of software…
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