SharePoint is fantastic product, since 2003, it has been used by various enterprises to create internet, intranet and extranet portals. Microsoft has not launched this product until now. I hope that it is going to be released late this year or early…
Materials for Design 2 showcases projects that merge
architects’ design intention with a material palette,
a synthesis called materiality. Materiality was first
presented in the best-selling first volume, Materials
for Design, and here sixty…
This textbook is based on an extended collection of handouts I distributed to the graduate
students in economics attending my summer mathematics class at the Center for Economic
Research and Graduate Education (CERGE) at Charles University in…
The literary responses to Fukushima disaster appeared in the last few years
highlighted the similarities with Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombing
experiences as long as both tragedies were caused by an arguable usage of nuclear
power. What is…
Madan Mehta , B.Arch., M.Bdg.Sc., Ph.D., P.E., is a faculty
member at the School of Architecture, University of Texas at
Arlington, and teaches courses in construction and structures.
He was previously the Director of the Architectural…
This book offers an account and development of the details that indicate
how my thinking changed and led me to a new appreciation of the classical
scholars and of F. A. Hayek. It is true that I had read Hayek (1945) long ago, and its theme even led…
Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products
claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and The
Pragmatic Programmers, LLC was aware of a trademark claim, the designations…
There is a distinction between the usage of the names COMMERCE and BUSINESS. The interchange of
products and manufactured articles between countries, or even between different sections of the same country,
is usually referred to as commerce. The…
This chapter defi nes ergonomics and provides
brief histories of the fi elds of occupational
therapy (OT), physical therapy, and ergonomics.
It also describes the relationships between therapists and ergonomists in three areas of practice:…
Increasing road traffic safety is a major objective of governments across the world.
In particular, the European Union (EU) has set a challenging objective of halving the
number of road accident victims by 2010 [1]. Active on-board safety features…